Choose and Cut:
Green Hills Farm Company
David Mombourquette
486 Hills Rd.
Albert Ridge, NS B1K 3E9

Phone: 902-577-4258
Email: [email protected]
Info: We are a family run business offering over 30+ acres of U-Pick Christmas trees speicalizing in balsam fir, scotch and white pine. U-Pick opens 2nd last weekend in October through November for tagging. Our retail lot opens December 1st.
Elworthy's Tree Farm
Kevin Elworthy
1901 George St.
Sydney, NS B1P 1P5

Phone: 902-217-3452
Email: [email protected]
Info: U-Pick Trees, Retail Tree Lot, Pine Trees, Fir Trees, Wreaths, Creafts & Decorating Supples. U-Pick opens Oct. 30th.